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Guest Speaker Announcement: Halfords

Guest Speaker Announcement: Halfords

RMS is delighted to announce that Halfords will be one of our customer speakers at Metro Connect. Halfords has recently partnered with RMS to digitise its store processes and efficiently manage communication, task management, and compliance across its store estate,...

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RMS Blog

RIP Fax Machine

November 1st, 2022, the UK communications regulator, Ofcom, has officially proposed to remove the requirement for telecom operators to provide FAX (facsimile) services under their legally-binding Universal Service Obligation (USO). The trusty fax machine (more...

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Relevance Fatigue

We all suffer from it. Being deluged in 'misinformation' from a source that is so arrogant and uncaring, they scatter so much of what they perceive as vital information into my email, WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook, Instagram etc. that they make everything irrelevant – even...

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Act in haste, repent at leisure…

Act in haste, repent at leisure happens to be one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received and has served me well over the years, stopping me from making quite a few unnecessary and potentially costly mistakes. Believed to have been adapted from the...

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Marketing Metro During Covid

Rob Morgan: There is no doubt that lockdown brought with it many new challenges and required new communication and engagement strategies. Especially for those companies who found themselves suddenly working remotely. The RMS team are always asking, "What does this...

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RMS Team Life During Covid

Karen Dyke: If someone said to be me back in March 2020 that we would still be in lockdown a year later, I wouldn't have believed them - but here we are, and what a year it has been! For RMS, in some ways, it has been business as usual. We have been blessed to be able...

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