by Rob Morgan | Employee Management, RMS Blog, Unified Comms, Workforce Management |
Workforce management is one of the most important aspects of any organisation. It not only ensures that your employees are working at peak efficiency but also ensures that you are spending your resources effectively. To succeed and thrive in the future, organisations...
by Rob Morgan | Employee Management, RMS Blog, Time and Attendance, Workforce Management, Workforce Management Feature Blog |
Tune in here to hear Karen Dyke, CEO at RMS share how we have been helping the sudden switch to remote working, and the benefits of the Metro roadmap.
by Rob Morgan | Metro, RMS Blog, Time and Attendance |
I remember, many years ago, in my first job in Retail, the timecard! Standing patiently in a queue waiting to get my timecard stamped, wishing the queue would move faster, else I was going to be late. In those days, there was no minimum wage, no working time...
by Rob Morgan | Metro, RMS Blog |
I read a great post this week that even technology people are frustrated with the new-age tech salesmen – apparently, modern salesmen (and saleswomen!) have become ridiculously vague about what they sell. The author of the post (Joe Adkins) hilariously goes on to ask...
by Rob Morgan | RMS Blog, Workforce Management, Workforce Management Feature Blog |
Paying staff the living wage looks on the face of it to bring a whole raft of benefits to employers – Enhanced quality of the work by staff A fall in absenteeism of circa 25% Two-thirds of employers reported a significant impact on staff recruitment and...
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