One of my favourite twitter accounts is @Retailbarcode. Last week they posted (as they regularly do) an interesting offer from one of our leading UK retailers along with the question “why does this [poor in-store ticketing] happen so frequently”.

Point of Sale photo from Retailbarcode

Now I confess, as an ex-supermarket Store Manager (turned software sales jockey who happens to specialise in print automation software) I have a keen interest in in-store ticketing and POS signage and yet it still never ceases to amaze me why this happens so often – it’s all a bit embarrassing and unnecessary truth be told. If you are a retailer whose ticketing system regularly delivers incorrect tickets you’ll be glad to know there is a less humiliating alternative!

Waitrose Point of SaleMetro’s Print Controller has been explicitly developed to check your ticketing data before it is printed in-store so that errors in terms of spelling, grammar, pricing and branding never get to the shelf edge. Through a series of automated checks and balances, rules within each template check that at no time, for example, a lower or equal ‘Was’ price can appear on a ticket, or that a product brand name is spelt incorrectly.

Already responsible for benefiting many retailers with increased revenues and profitability, Print Controller makes it incredibly simple to bring ‘tickets that sell’ to the shelf edge faster and more cost-effectively than ever before.

With shoppers relying on visual cues more than any other ‘sensory stimuli’, the shelf edge is regarded by RMS as the most important piece of real estate any retailer owns and with this in mind, Print Controller has been designed to deliver even greater value.

Phillip Adcock (SBXL) recently cited that in today’s modern supermarket, shoppers are confronted with a different offer every ½ second, yet will buy only 1 out of 500 products available in-store. In order to increase these odds, products simply have to be made more appealing and engaging when on-shelf. The right choice of colour, for instance, can increase product stand out by 80%, whereas product appearance improves engagement by a whopping 323%. Imagery increases preference byTesco Point of Sale 36%.

If you engage shoppers at the shelf edge you stand to increase promotional effectiveness by 35% without even changing the offer or price – if you have struggled in the past to create a compelling argument or ROI for implementing better shelf edge ticketing, then look no further. Print Controller allows retailers to build ‘emotional’ responses within their template designs in order to maximise customer spend – you may not want to promote £45 BOTTLS’S [bottles] of Champagne like this ticket!

Please get in touch if your ticketing software is falling short of your customer expectations – conversations with the RMS team are free – the rewards much greater.




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