Would you like to continue receiving our emails? Soon, changes in the law will affect how we communicate with you.

Ahead of the General Data Protection Regulation, we are moving towards a model of consent and you’ll need to act now. Under the new legislation we will no longer automatically have permission to contact you unless you opt in. So if you would like to receive email communications from Retail Manager Solutions to keep you up to date with our latest news, products, services and events, let us know by completing the form.


The deadline to do this is 25 May 2018.


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You can unsubscribe from emails at any time by clicking the link within one of our emails. If the information we have is wrong, let us know so we can correct it by contacting us via contact@retail-manager.com


Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation 
GDPR is designed to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe to ensure that EU citizen data is protected and organisations restructure the way they manage data.

Retail Manager Solutions is registered in England and collected data is processed in the UK which requires us to abide by all GDPR regulations whether or not the marketing content is being delivered to a USA, APAC or EMEA contact. Copies of our Company GDPR Position Statement and Product Statement are avialable to view online here


A trusted Company
Retail Manager Solutions will always treat your personal data with the upmost care. We will never sell your information to other companies for marketing purposes and will only collect the necessary data to help create tailored content for you.

You have the right to unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button in any RMS email. If you have any questions regarding GDPR or our Privacy Policy please email us at contact@retail-manager.com stating GDPR in the subject field.

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